commercial solar

solar - Shiv Pandya
Solar, a promising landscape for the renewable energy sector in India

In an exclusive interview with India Business and Trade (IBT), Shiv Pandya, Vice President of Sunora Solar, shares insights into the remarkable journey of Sunora Solar and its pivotal role in advancin...

Prashant Mathur, Saatvik Green Energy
India’s position as a net exporter of solar equipment is foreseeable

In this enthralling interview from our 'Green Guardian series', Prashant takes us through the remarkable journey of Saatvik Green Energy in the solar module industry and how they plan to maintain a fi...

solar rooftop
India’s rooftop solar becomes lucrative for small players

In less than two decades, the rooftop solar market in India has grown at an accelerating pace owing to awareness in consumers and technological advancements in renewable energy. Solar installation com...

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