India Business & Trade

India Business & Trade

Indian enterprise. Global opportunities

India Business & Trade is a definitive thought leadership platform on international business and commerce from the Indian perspective. It endeavors to analyse and dissect the latest trends and developments in international trade, and provide actionable insights for Indian businesses.

The publication also envisions a larger role for itself as the voice of the industry on major issues, challenges and opportunities and future roadmap for success for Indian entrepreneurs in global markets. In a highly dynamic and fast-paced global business environment, India Business & Trade aspires to be a strategic asset for stakeholders in the India growth story.

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India Business & Trade

The New Year Issue of India Business & Trade presents a holistic and visionary perspective on India's transformation since the turn of the century, when it first gained prominence as a 'BRIC Economy'. Team IBT wishes you all a very happy and prosperous new year 2020.
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India Business & Trade

India Business & Trade provides a comprehensive analysis of the most potential partners for trade agreements with India in a post-RCEP scenario
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India Business & Trade

The intensifying global and domestic campaign against plastics has left the Indian plastics industry at the crossroads. Is a plastic-free future possible or even sustainable? In its November issue, India Business & Trade examines how the government and industry can work their way out of this quagmire. 
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India Business & Trade

Despite sustained efforts over the past three decades, India's export performance remains well below potential. The October issue of India Business & Trade deliberates on necessary structural transformations in the business ecosystem to make exports a major growth engine driving India's aspirations towards a US$ 5 trillion economy. 
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India Business & Trade

Amid blossoming ties between India and Kenya, the September Issue of India Business & Trade magazine looks at the progression of trade between the two countries over the years, and explores potential avenues to take their business relationship to the next level.
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India Business & Trade

India Business & Trade takes an analytical view of the major themes that have been covered in Union Budget 2018-19, their implications for India’s economic trajectory over the coming decade, and critical challenges that need to be addressed in its August issue.
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India Business & Trade

The RCEP deal is expected to precipitate a flood of goods imports in the Indian market, with relatively little gains on the export front. In its July issue, India Business & Trade decodes whether India should actually take the plunge into this deal, given the potential risks.
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