Activity Details

India-Australia Buyer-Seller Meet on Food & Beverages, Sydney

Trade Promotion Council of India successfully organised the India Australia F&B Buyer-Seller Meet with the support of Australia India Business Council in Sydney on June 14, 2023.

India-Australia BSM_TPCI

The BSM was inaugurated by Sanjay K. Muluka, Acting Consular General of India in Sydney in the presence of Irfan Malik (MAICD), President AIBC Sydney chapter; Vijay Agarwal, MD, Pansari Group , and Sandip Das, Deputy Director General, TPCI.

It was a fruitful day for 30 Indian Food & Beverages Exporters who got an opportunity to interact with around 100 Australian buyers, importers & distributors of food products from Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

From spices to snacks, teas to sweets, the diverse range of products captivated attendees and created a buzzing atmosphere of collaboration.

The event was more than just a platform for business deals; it was a celebration of cultural exchange and building long-term partnerships. The vibrant conversations and interactions sparked new ideas and opened doors to endless possibilities.