Pulses Imports by Government to Government Contracts to Curb Supply Gap

Pulses Imports by Government to Government Contracts to Curb Supply Gap

To curb the supply crisis of pulses, Government-to-Government contract is being planned to import pulses, said by Union Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan. According to him this will help in bringing the prices down which have been surging up due to the supply lag.

As production has been shrunk to 170 lakh tons this year from 173 lakh tons two year back and the demand is also increasing by 10 lakh tons per year, standing 246 lakh tons this year, the prices have shoot up seeing this supply deficit, Mr. Paswan added. There is supply gap of 76 lakh tons, which has to be filled by imports. As the private importer could only import 60 lakh tons, rest of the quantity will be imported by Government.