
Food processing technology_TPCI
“Our goal is to provide customer-centric packaging & bridge market gaps”

Nichrome Integrated Packaging Solutions has been a pioneer in next-generation packaging technologies ever since they developed India's first indigenous milk packaging machine in 1977. India Business a...

Sustainable Packaging: Reshaping India’s Food Industry

Sustainable packaging is to have packaging materials that are responsibly obtained, designed to work well and be safe from start to finish....

“Indian food tech is evolving rapidly through automation, quality control, and sustainability”

Mahendra Bhatiya, the Managing Director and CEO of Dev Opus, shares his insights into the company's remarkable journey and their expectations from IndusFood Tech...

Mr. Amit Shah innovation uflex
Agility and innovation will be key in the post-COVID world

Amit Shah, Joint President, Flexible Packaging Business at UFlex, elaborates on how the company quickly bounced back on its operations and delivered benchmark product innovations to fight the COVID-19...

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